Casa Batlló
Plan drawing of the ground floor, subsoil and lift 1994-1995. Rear terrace access and disabled’s toilettes. 1995-1996. Reform of the lift. 1995-1999
As a part of the general project for the adaptation to tourist visit of Casa Batlló it was reformed the lift so to adapt it to new standards. The intervention respected conscientiously the visual integration in a so singular space in a high patrimonial value monument. It was made too the reform of the rear terrace acess stairs and the construction of disabled’s toilets, A whole plan drawing of the parts of the buiding included in the intervention was traced.

Casa Calvet
Restoration of the rear facade of Casa Calvet. Barcelona. 1995
For the restoration of the rear façade of Casa Calvet it was necessary a meticulous study of some remaining ancient photographs as the only source of information about the original aspect gaudí gave it. That research established that the facade presented stucco simulating “trencadís”and garland shape paintings. In other sections of the facade there were monograms that were recovered as well. The blinds and all the iron elements were restored too following traditional techniques.

Park Güell
Park Güell “Turó de les menes” restotation and environment gardening. 1995
The restoration of the ‘Turó de les menes’ was an intervention in the highest sector of the Park Güell where Gaudí had thought to locate a chapel not finally built for which he made a model. He placed there instead three crosses with singular conformation simulating the Golgotha. In 1995 these elements were restored as well as the project of the landscaping of the environment that simulates a stony mountain, with wonderful sights of Park Güell and Barcelona.

Finca Güell
Restoration of the Dragon gate. 1999
The restoration of the gate of the main entrance to Finca Güell consisted in the cleaning of the stone and the exposed brick of pillars and walls and scratching and repainting the iron dragon and other metallic pieces. The works in the dragon began with the cleaning based of microglass jet and painting with lead minium. Then color tests were made by the team of restorers and technicians with the intention of determining the most appropriate according to the existing documentation in the file of the Catedra Gaudi. With the help of a metallic scaffold around the support pillar of the door works the cleaning and restoration of the stone and the brick of the support and the antimony tree that completes the set of the main door of Finca Güell were carried out.

Alella altarpiece
Reconstruction of the project for an altarpiece and chapel in Alella. 1997-1999
In Alella, a town near Barcelona, Gaudí was commissioned in 1883 some works in the parish church, highlighting the project for a chapel devoted to the Holy Sacrament attached to the church that included an altarpiece of the Crucifixion. The references provided by the only existing drawing of 1883 in the parish archives were the source of information for the carefully reconstruction of the project of the Gaudí altarpiece, after a laborious research work including study of contemporary similar designs of the architect. In order to accommodate the reproduction of the altarpiece a chapel was designed as well. The selected option was a project that respected the original idea of Gaudí, which was possible thanks to the large amount of data provided by the preserved design of 1883.

Sanctuary of La Misericordia. Reus
Project for the gardens of tne Sanctuary of La Misericordia. 1999
At the beggining of 20th century Gaudí made a project for the facade of the Sanctuary of la Misericordia de Reus, finally un¡built. The Museo Comarcal de Reus conserves the two sketches he draw for the project with baroque simil facade and the environment design cincluding a monumental rosary. In the terrain adjacent to the shrine a public garden of 12,000 m² was projected with access from the side of the sanctuary. The project was structured around the building and incorporating the existing trees on the site. Sources, recess spaces, groves, a pavilion and specific areas for various recreational activities incorporate an ecological garden to the urban environment .

Banner of La Misericordia
Reconstruction of the banner of the Reus residents in Barcelona. 2003-2007
Gaudí designed in 1900a banner for the procession of his fellow citizens who lived in Barcelona. Destroyed in 1936, A replica was made based on the documentary study of photos and descriptions and using the original materials and techniques. It is exhibited in the crypt of the Sagrada Familia in Barcelona. It consists of a carved and perforated leather flag with two faces. One has painted the image in prayer of the shepherdess who according to tradition had the vision of the Virgin. The back face has the shield of Barcelona and in platinum the rose that represents Reus. At the top of the pole the image of the Virgin of Misericordia in polychrome aluminum.On both sides there are inscriptions and the set is wrapped in an aluminum and bronze rosary. One of the the images shows Joan Bassegoda Nonell, Curator of the Catedra Gaudí, Mario Andruet, president of the Antonio Gaudí Foundation and Enric Ferrer Solà, the artisan who made the leather work, in the Finca Güell.

Project of reconstruction of “La Miranda”
The Torre Mateu, called “La Miranda” was built in the early years of 20th century in en Llinars del Vallès (Barcelona), atribbuted to Gaudí and his collaborator Francesc Berenguer too. Demolished in 1962, it was a building topped with a dome covered with “trencadís”. Several photos remain of its original state and the way it was damaged during the Civil War. The project was carried out in 1996 on the basis of the existing material: photographs, a drawing by Gaudí’s assistant Francesc Berenguer kept in the Archives of the Col·legi Oficial d’Arquitectes de Catalunya, a plan of the iron gate (currently in the Park Güell) and testimonies of people from the town who knew the building. As a premise of the project its construction was considered using the same traditional techniques with which it was erected at the time: stone masonry walls and brickwork, ‘bovedilla’ floors, catalan vaults and wrought iron bars.