- Desk for his office. Barcelona. 1878. Destroyed in 1936
- Illuminated hoardings for the streets of Barcelona. Commission of J. M. Carré. 1878. Unbuilt
- Streetlamps of Plaza Real and Plaza del Palacio. Barcelona. 1878
- Flower-sellers kiosques and public toilets for the streets of Barcelona. Commission of E. Girossi. 1878. Unbuilt
- Showcase for Comella gloveshop. Universal Exhibition of Paris. 1878. Dissapeared
- Door for the theatre owned by P. Miró. San Gervasio de Cassoles. Barcelona. 1878. Dissapeared
- Stained glass window and rose window of the chapel of the “Can Pujades” masia. Vallgorguina (Barcelona). 1878. At present exhibited at the MNAC. Barcelona
- Irrigation system in Valle de Caldas. Plegamans (Barcelona). 1878. Project
- Project of a reliquary. 1878
- Furniture for the chapel of the Palacio de Sobrellano Comillas. Santander. 1878
- Project Factory and houses for Cooperativa Mataronesa. Mataró. 1878-1883. Partially built. Part of the factory and one building for resroom still exist
- Decor of Farmacia Gibert. Barcelona. 1879. Dissapeared
- Allegorical cavalcade, homage to the poet Mosén Vicente García. Vallfogona de Riucorb. 1879. 5 drawings subsist
- Altar, monstrance, lighting apparatus and mosaic for the Colegio de Jesús y María. San Andrés del Palomar. 1879-1881. The mosaic survives. Part of the furnishings and the lighting artefacts are kept in the chapel of the Colegio de Jesús-María in Sant Gervasi, Barcelona
- Electric illumination for the sea wall. Barcelona. 1880. Unbuilt
- Project House for Eulàlia Dalmau Galtès. Barcelona. 1880. Unbuilt
- Participation in the competition for a Theater in Reus. 1880. Unbuilt. Project dissapeared
- Project Altar for the chapel of the Colegio de Jesús-María. Tarragona. 1880-1884. Destroyed 1936 and subsequently reconstructed
- Summer house in the garden of the Palace of Sobrellano. Santander 1881. Transferred to Finca Güell and then disappeared
- Participation in the competition for a Casino. San Sebastián. 1882. Unbuilt. Project dissapeared
- Hunting pavilion for Eusebio Güell. Garraf. 1882. Unbuilt
- Project House for Salvador Pagés. Mataró. 1883. Demolished
- Casa Vicens. Barcelona. 1883-1888. Extended in 1925 by J. B. Serra de Martínez
- Chapel of the Santísimo Sacramento. Parish church of Alella (Barcelona). 1883. Unbuilt
- Project House for Máximo Díaz de Quijano, called “El Capricho”. Comillas (Santander) 1883-1885
- Temple of the Sagrada Familia. Barcelona. 1883-1926. Diverse projects. Still under construction
- Flag for the cooperative society “La Obrera Mataronense”. Mataró. 1884. Dissapeared. Remains the bronze image of a bee that topped the banner
- Works in the Finca Güell. Les Corts de Sarrià, Barcelona 1884-1887: Three gates, two pavilions, a mirador, enclosing wall and terrace staircase. Remain the pavilions and two gates. An other gate was reconstructed
- Oratory for the Bocabella family. Barcelona. 1885. Currently belongs to a private collection
- Dining table for Francesc Ullar Roca. Sant Feliu de Codines (Barcelona). 1885
- Altar of San José. Crypt of the Sagrada Familia. Barcelona. 1885. Destroyed in 1936 and subsequently reconstructed
- Palace Güell. Barcelona. 1886-1889
- Pavilion of the Compañía Transatlántica. Naval Exhibition of Cádiz. 1887. Uncertain attribution
- Reform of the “Salón de Ciento” at the Barcelona Town Hall. 1887-1888. Project. Only the chair for the Regent Queen was built
- Bishop’s palace. Astorga (León). 1887-1893. Concluded in 1909 by R. García Guereta
- Chaplain’s house and study in the Sagrada Familia temple. Barcelona. 1887-1912. Destroyed in 1936
- Pavilion of the Compañía Transatlántica. Universal Exhibition of Barcelona. 1888. Demolished
- Colegio Teresiano. Barcelona. 1888-1890
- Colonia Güell. General plan. Santa Coloma de Cervelló. 1890.
- Casa Fernández Andrés, called “Casa de los Botines”. León. 1891-1894
- Franciscan Missions building. Tangier. 1892-1893. Project
- Windows of the seminar cloister. Astorga (León). 1894
- Plans for the construction of a shed for Florencio Bayona Massagué in Pg. Colom. Barcelona. 1894
- Project for a shed for the water tanks on Eusebi Güell’s house in carrer Lancaster nº 7. Barcelona. 1895
- Porter’s room on the roof of Eusebi Güell’s house in carrer Conde del Asalto nº 9. Barcelona. 1895
- Laundry project on the roof of Eusebi Güell’s house in Rambla de Caputxins nº 30. Barcelona. 1895
- Pantheon for the Güell family. Montserrat. 1895. Project
- Güell wine cellar. Garraf. 1895-1897
- Plans of laundry rooms on the roof of Eusebi Güell’s house in Còdols street, nº 16. Barcelona. 1897
- Casa Calvet. Barcelona. 1898-1904
- Casa Clapés. Barcelona. 1899-1900
- Banner for the choral society of Sant Feliu de Codines. 1900. Exhibited in the Museu Municipal Can Xifreda. San Feliu de Codines
- Reform of the house of Dr. Santaló. Barcelona. 1900
- Banner of the Reus pilgrims resident in Barcelona. Santuario de la Misericordia de Reus. 1900. Destroyed. A replica exhibited at the crypt of Sagrada Familia Temple
- orm project for the Santuario de la Misericordia. Reus. 1900. There is another version of 1914. Not carried out
- First Mystery of Glory. Monumental rosary of Montserrat. 1900-1907. Finished by Jerónimo Martorell with some reforms to Gaudí’s project
- Casa Figueras, called “Bellesguard”. Barcelona. 1900-1909
- Project for the modification of the levels of the streets in the lower part of the Muntaner de Dalt estate. Barcelona. 1900. Not carried out
- Park Güell. Barcelona. 1900-1914
- Decor of the house of Marqués de Castelldosrius. Barcelona. 1901 -1904. Dissapeared
- Gate and enclosing wall of the Casa Miralles. Les Corts de Sarriá. Barcelona. 1901. Reformed
- Decor of the “Bar Torino”. Barcelona. 1902. Diappeared
- Restoration of the Cathedral. Palma de Mallorca. 1903-1914. Unfinished
- Reforms in the gallery of the south facade of the episcopal palace of Palma de Mallorca. 1903-1914
- Pavement of the church of Nostra Senyora dels Àngels. Pollença (Mallorca). 1903-1914. Uncertain attribution
- House for José Pardo in the Park Güell. Barcelona. 1904-1906. Project signed by Gaudí attributed to Francesc Berenguer. Gaudí’s home between 1906 and 1925. Current Casa-Museu Gaudí
- Bridge over Pomeret gully Sarrià. Barcelona. 1904-1906. Unbuilt
- Chalet Graner. Sarrià. Barcelona. 1904. Unbuilt
- Storehouse for Badía ironworks. Barcelona. 1904. Dissapeared
- Monument to Dr. Robert. Barcelona. 1904-1910. Uncertain attribution
- Decor of “Sala Mercè”. Barcelona. 1904-1905. Dissapeared
- Casa Batlló. Barcelona. 1904-1906
- Garden of Can Artigas. La Pobla de Lillet (Barcelona). 1904
- Chalet refuge of Catllaràs. La Pobla de Lillet (Barcelona). 1905
- Banner of the Guild of Locksmiths and Blacksmiths Barcelona. 1906. Destroyed
- Casa Milà, called “La Pedrera”. Barcelona. 1906-1910
- Torre Mateu “La Miranda”. Llinars del Vallès, Barcelona. 1906. Attributed to Gaudí. Destroyed in 1962
- Urban design of the Plaça del Rei and Monument to Jaume I. Barcelona. 1907. Project
- Renovation and extension of Casa Larrard in Park Güell, residence of Eusebi Güell. Barcelona. 1908-1910. Reformed and converted into a school
- Church of the Colonia Güell. Santa Coloma de Cervelló. 1908-1916. Only the crypt constructed
- Chapel for the Colegio Teresiano. Barcelona. 1908. Unbuilt
- Project for the urbanization of Finca Bellesguard. 1908. No carried out
- Hotel in New York. 1908. Attributed project
- Scenography for the representation of Oedipus Rex at Park Güell. Barcelona. 1909. Not carried out
- Schools of the Sagrada Familia. Barcelona. 1909. Destroyed in 1936 and 1939 and reconstructed. Moved in 2002
- Street lamps for the Centenary of Jaime Balmes. Vic. 1910. Dissapeared. Some pieces remain
- Pantheon Camp-Nonell. Lloret de Mar (Girona). 1910. Uncertain attribution
- Pulpits of the parish church. Blanes (Gerona). 1912. Destroyed
- Monument to Bishop Torras i Bages, in the Templo de la Sagrada Familia. Barcelona. 1916. Unbuilt
- Monument to Enric Prat de la Riba. Castellterçol (Barcelona). 1918. Unbuilt. A drawing by Lluís Bonet Garí is preserved
- Railway station. Barcelona. Ca. 1920. Unbuilt
- Church of the Asunción. Rancagua. Chile. 1922. Under construction
- Stained glass window in Lluis Plandiura Pou’s house. Barcelona. 1922
- Calvet chapel. Torelló (Barcelona). 1923. Unbuilt
- Pulpit for an undetermined church. Valencia. 1924. Unbuilt
Col.laborations with Juan Martorell Montells:
- Benedictine Monastery of the Espíritu Santo. Villarricos (Cuevas de Vera). Almería. 1882. Project
- Church of Las Salesas. Barcelona 1882-1885
- Cathedral main front. Barcelona. 1882. Project
- Church of the Jesuits. Barcelona 1883-1889
Other works:
- Own professional card. 1878. Two copies remain
- Participation in the advisory commission for the restoration of the church of Sant Esteve. Granollers (Barcelona). 1879
- Emblem of the Associació Catalanista d’Excursions Científicas. In collaboration with Antonio Torrents Torras and Rossinyol. 1881
- Topographic plans of Can Rosell de la Llena (Barcelona). 1883. Two measurement plans are preserved
- Collaboration with Ricard Opisso in the design of the Misacanto reminder for Mn. Norbert Font i Sagué. 1900. Unrealized
- Advice for the making of tapestries for the celebrations in the church of the convent of San Jerónimo. Palma de Mallorca. 1903-1914
- Chasuble for the first mass of Mn. Joan Roquet-Jalmar. Girona. 1906. Collaboration attributed with Rafael Masó Valentí. Destroyed in 1939
- Participation in the advisory commission for the restoration and construction of the facade of the Cathedral of Manresa. 1915
- Portrait bust of Bishop Josep Torras i Bages. 1916. Made by LLorenç Matamala under the direction of Gaudí. Polychromed by Joan Llimona. Destroyed in 1936
- Dedication to the Orfeó Català. 1922. With polychrome by Josep M. Jujol. Conserved in the archives of the Orfeó Català of the Palau de la Música Catalana de Barcelona
- Cemetery gate. 1875. A photograph is conserved
- Pavilion for the Centennial Exhibition in Philadelphia. 1876. Disappeared
- Diputación palace hall. 1876
- Royal pier (2 versions). 1876
- General Hospital. 1877. Dissapeared
- Monumental fountain for the Plaza de Catalunya. 1877
- University central hall. 1878
- Restoration of the Poblet monastery. In collaboration with Eduardo Toda and José Ribera. 1870. Project
- Participation in the contest for a funerary monument to Anselm Clavé. Barcelona. 1874. Project dissapeared
- Wardrobe for Ms. Malera. 1876. Project dissapeared
- Reform of Mr. Grabulosa’s house. 1876. Project dissapeared
- Participation in the drawing contest for application to Industry by the Ateneo Barcelonés. 1876. Project dissapeared
- Counter for the Vilardell pharmacy. 1876. Project dissapeared
Collaborations with the master builder Josep Fontseré Mestres:
Works in the Parc de la Ciutadella. Barcelona. 1872-1878:
- Waterfall
- Water tank
- Fence of theMonument to Aribau
- Railings of park entrance
- Handrails of Paseo de San Juan
Collaborations with the architect Leandro Serrallach Mas:
- Project of a pavilion for “Villa Arcadia” recreation house. 1876-1877
- Altar in El Masnou. 1876
Collaborations with the Padrós y Borràs society:
- Project for a tram line from Montjuic to Can Tunis. 1876-1877
Collaborations with the architect Francisco de Paula del Villar Lozano:
- Apse of the Monastery of Montserrat. 1876
- Project of a slaughterhouse. 1876
- Armchair for the Ateneo Barcelonés. 1876