The Antonio Gaudí Foundation and its members carry out and collaborate in exhibitions on Gaudí’s work and Sustainable Architecture, both in production and design and in the curatorship.
Watercolors by Tomoko Taniguchi. Finca Güell. Barcelona. In collaboration with Gaudí Club. September 1996
Exhibition “Gaudí”. K.I.D.P. (Korean Institute of Industrial Design and Packaging). Seoul. October 1996
“Gaudí i Alella”. Centre Cultural Can Lleonard. Alella (Barcelona). April 1999
“Gaudí”. Casa de la Provincia. Sevilla. December 2002-January 2003
“Antonio Gaudí. Arquitecto”. Escuela de Arquitectura. Universidad San Pablo CEU. Madrid. December 2002
“Gaudí. El arquitecto de Dios”. Museo Pedro de Osma. Lima. October 2003
“Gaudí”. Museo de Arte de Sao Paulo Assís Chateaubriand. Sao Paulo. October 2003-January 2004
“Gaudí. Artista de Siempre”. Pinacoteca Diego de Ribera. Xalapa (Mexico). July-September 2004
“Gaudí. Lyrik des raums”. Paula Modersohn-Becker Museum. Bremen. September-December 2004
“Bernardí Martorell. Un gran arquitecte del modernisme”. Museu Agrícola de Cambrils (Tarragona). January 2005
“Gaudí. Dromen en bouwen”. Kunsthal. Rotterdam. April-September 2005
“Gaudí. Arquitecto, artista insólito”. Antiguo Colegio de San Ildefonso. Mexico D.F. April-June 2005
“Tesoros de Gaudí”. In collaboration with Cátedra Gaudí. April-June 2005
“Nature and Art: Gaudí, Miró, Dalí”. Toyota Muncipal Museum of Art. Toyota. July-September 2005
“Barcelona & Modernity: Picasso, Gaudí, Miró, Dalí”. The Cleveland Museum of Art. Cleveland. October 2006-January 2007
Temporal exhibition in the Sala-Taller of the “GaudíCentre”. Reus. September 2007
“Gaudí” exhibition project. Palacio Ferreyra. Córdoba (Argentina). 2010
“The house of Gaudí”. Forthcoming
“Sustainable House”. Forthcoming