Next May 31 is the anniversary of the Venice Charter (International Charter for the Conservation and Restoration of Monuments and Sites), name by which it is known because it was signed within the framework of the Second International Congress of Architects and Specialists of Historic Buildings held in that city in May 1964.
To commemorate that date, a meeting will be held in La Pedrera with the aim of giving a new reading of its different interpretations and the survival of its values through a contemporary look at the interventions in Gaudí’s work. With the organization of ICOMOS (International Council on Monuments and Sites) and the participation of specialists who participated in restorations of buildings by the great architect, the reunion will take place in the auditorium of that emblematic building.
One more fact that relates Gaudí to the Venice Charter is that the signatory for Spain was Dr. Joan Bassegoda Nonell, who dedicated his life to the study and dissemination of Gaudí’s work and directed the Gaudí Chair at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya while it had its headquarters in the Güell Pavilions.