The Fundación Antonio Gaudí (Antonio Gaudó Foundation) began its activities on December 2, 2004. It is registered in the Registro de Fundaciones del Ministerio de Cultura with the number 632. Its objectives are of general interest and are framed in the provisions of Articles 2 and 3 law 49/2002 of 23 December.

Article 2: Entities are considered nonprofit purposes of this Law, provided they meet the requirements set out in the following articles: a) Foundations (......)
Article 3: The entities in the preceding article, which meet the following requirements referred to shall be considered, for the purposes of this Act as non-profit organizations:
1. That pursue general interest, such as, among others, the defense of human rights of victims of terrorism and violent acts, social assistance and social inclusion, civic, educational, cultural, scientific, sports, health, labor, economic capacity building, development cooperation, promotion of volunteerism, promoting social action, environmental protection, promotion and care for people at risk of exclusion for physical reasons, or cultural promotion of constitutional values ​​and defense of democratic principles, promoting tolerance, the promotion of social economy, cultural, information, scientific research and technological developmentof society .


Fundación Antonio Gaudí ® is a trademark in the Oficina Española de Patentes y Marcas with No. 0252511/9.



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The information contained in this website is aimed at orienting cultural information dissemination. Antonio Gaudí Foundation rejects any responsibility for the misuse of the contents of this website.

This web site contains links to other websites related to the objectives of the Foundation content. As they are not managed by the Foundation Antonio Gaudi, the foundation held responsible for the data, information, services, etc., and/or any of the content of such websites.

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© Copyright  Fundación Antonio Gaudí. 2004-2020. All rights reserved. Fundación Antonio Gaudí. CIF G63650915